Saturday, November 13, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
What was your favorite major motion picture this past year, 2010? Why?
What was your favorite major motion picture this past year, 2010? Why?
Answer here
Addendum 2 earlier question: how many of u who picked "IPhone" have even experienced Android; like the EVO 4G; the 1st real 4G phone; came out a month b4 IPhone?
Addendum 2 earlier question: how many of u who picked "IPhone" have even experienced Android; like the EVO 4G; the 1st real 4G phone; came out a month b4 IPhone?
Answer here
What is the most important issue our president, MUST focus on that will insure his re-election?
What is the most important issue our president, MUST focus on that will insure his re-election?
Answer here
What is the most important issue u think our president, Barack Obama must focus on?
What is the most important issue u think our president, Barack Obama must focus on?
Answer here
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Quik Update

As promised more frequent, more interesting(hopefully)...
Wanted to update everyone to another site that I am now featured on and of course, want you to visit, tell me what you think and tell a friend where you been!!
I photographed with UNI Photography based out of Charlotte, NC. The photographer is a very busy and very talented artist who I think came up with some good photos and some great editing...he makes me look so good! His name is Curtis Reynolds and I wanted to feature just his photos for this first installment of this new page.
I of course have specified the site here and place it below with the rest of the links for your easy reference.
If you haven't already b sure to check those links out and sign up!! The Yahoo Group? FREE!! This Blog? FREE!!
Will make it a point to speak with you soon!!

Alwayz kepn it xexi!!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Sup People...

...people, I'm still here. Had a series of setbacks from family issues, to business just some fake folk...but it's all 2 the good am I'm still standing.
The good part is, in the coming weeks, Imma share all that and more with you.
I gotta lotta things going on to catch u up on, while being silly ole photo shoots, IML 2010 here in Chicago over Memorial Day; Pride "week" basically with parade and then Black Pride followed all from last week of June thru the Hot as Hades, but nice and great for it!!
Oh, and The legendary Taste of Chicago going on all week while that happened...
New photo shoot in North Carolina with a very talented photographer....(pics of course coming)..
Photo shoot coming up for 'coffee' table book...
Participant/one of the models/actors interviewed for the new book: Rising Starz...check it out; give away book coming soon!!
New audition pics coming out of both Aarin Driver and myself, Ian Rock...
Website def in the works...just good stuff...and like I said, some not good stuff, but we'll get to
So Imma see you guys all week, and blog you to death, but as usual I want comments, and questions, and feedback...feel me? That's how a real blog works and I am interested in what you the buying consumer, the public have to say about adult entertainment.

Alwayz kepn it xexi!!
Ian Rock
Saturday, April 17, 2010
A Little About Me.. we go again, my second entry in my new blog. Hope you guys are enjoying the read and you've told a friend where you've been!!

The Basics:

Hate, hate labels, but if I must use them to describe myself, I am bisexual. From this point on, you'll notice I refer to myself as "interestingly controversial"..LOL..looks more sophisticated in print anyway.
a. POSITION: TOTAL TOP..that's orally, anally, or otherwise; no foreign or domestic objects of any kind are allowed entry. Now let me get a little more specific, I am NOT a paranoid top; everyone is attracted to asses; straight women, straight men, bottoms, tops, etc...we know this. I have a pretty "okay" ass I think(I would fuk and I don't mind anyone admiring, or complimenting or rubbin' a lil, but entry? Strictly forbidden...a fellas, I'm a pretty big guy, ain't nothing happening I don't want to!! On that note, I've noticed a few of you have written into PapiThugz(Fantasy Page for Ian Rock) requesting I "flip"; LET'S PUT THAT TO REST NOW..NOT A GYMNAST, DON'T FLIP...EVER!!
b. FREQUENCY OF SEX: 3 TO 7 TIMES PER WEEK..and if it's a good week? 2 to 3 times per joke, no embellishment..Just ask Aarin Driver, my biz partner, my kat, and my sexual equal, just on the bottom side!! And gotta' b honest, the random hookup here and there...but I'm picky and very, very aggressive so errybody can't "handle" me; physically or otherwise...takes time skill and you gotta' love the dominance of the dick!!
c FAVORITE SEXUAL ACTIVITY: RECEIVING ORAL SEX; skilled, oral sex; i.e. getting my dick sucked with skill and enthusiasm!! A "lost art" I'm finding and a very under rated activity. My preference? To completion and yes...SWALLOW BABY!! I am very aggressive when it comes to this, as I am with all choke, force and fuck a throat...feel me? If you can't make me cum by service my dick with your mouth?? Our future is gonna' be very short lived.
d.LENGTH/GIRTH OF ENDOWMENT(size of the Dark Monster i.e. the dick): LENGTH: 11.5 INCHES(roughly the length of my forearm); GIRTH/WIDTH: 7 INCHES. I've been told by others the length is more like 12 inches and the width is much fatter than 7 inches; however, I err on the side of modesty..feel me? U decide?!? LOL..

Getting the info you need and/or want? If not, as always I welcome your questions, your to me people, cause I mos def wanna' talk to you!!
Here are a few general sexual facts about me I think you might find interesting or might want to know...kinda' sums me up:
Like MASCULINITY...Say it with me: B. A. M.(Be a Man!!)..not an "act" and not "unclockable"; not necessarily "thug" unless that's really who you are. By the way, born and raised in the ghetto; know "thug" and "thug like"..feel me? Like a real man who can openly admit with pride and volume that he loves dick; then shows that to me in his actions, enthusiasm and sounds!!
Like a nice build. My ideal? Muscular to Body Builder. My reality? At least look like you've seen the inside of the gym and not just the showers and the steam room but that you actually use the equipment...feel me? Very simple: I bring to the table and expect you to bring too!!

Like all colors, races and nationalities. I don't "freeze" myself out of any potentially hot hookups with prejudice. Yes...that's what it is no matter how much you try to "spin" it(See Bill OReilly...FOX News...actually, DON'T but hopefully you get my point?) I'm not talking "preferences"; we can all have preferences; but the "no whites", "no Asians" or any variation of that statement? Your loss, your stupidity and your small mindedness! You can be green with orange stripes; if you look good and are sexy with swagger? You get no complaints from me!!

So, have I given you some insight? Peaked your curiosity? Please fellas, I want to hear back from you. This is truly about YOU; the fan, the person or persons who have elevated me to where I am; who have given me the approval to entertain you...feel me? Your opinion, your comments? Important to me...real talk!!
I want to encourage all of you, if you have not already, to visit all the other sites(listed always at the bottom of this blog) on which I am featured and check out my biz partner's, Aarin Driver's sites as well. Be sure to also visit the various industry folk that I've been honored to meet and get to know them and their sites as well. They have most def supported me in good and bad times and I want to always return the favor(Google: Papi Chulo; Markus Ram). Let em know: The Dark Monster sent ya!!

Also, as always, keep those letters and emails flowing to the different studios and websites letting them know you'd like to see more from me and help me in getting the roles I think, no, I KNOW I deserve and "ROCK" out!!
Until next time and as always:
"kepn it xexi"
Ian Rock

Almost forgot!! The latest installment for:
The Rock's Rhetoric:
Don't waste time learning the tricks of the trade; learn the trade instead!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hey GOOD and FAITHFUL's me:
Mr. "Alwayz Keepin' it Xexi",
Ian Rock!!
I know it seems like I have just forgotten you guys, but I assure you, I couldn't and wouldn't ever forget you...the supporters, the fans, the friends and associates who have me and Aarin Driver become...nothing more just:
We've both been quietly working hard on projects individually and jointly.
This is the new and improved blog which will be updated weekly and sometimes even more often than that...promise!!
Now, I gotta' cover one negative issue:
The closing of said violin and piano music...
Simply put? This was due in part to a misunderstanding with content and an over zealous "assistant"(oh, who am I fooling, "minion" who tried just too hard) and the "ill" hosting and difficulty in communications with the so-called webmasters.
To all my members that supported me there: a very sincere apology and the promise of a more user friendly, higher quality, more reliable, content packed and yes...XEXI website very, very soon to launch!!

Now to more positive stuff:
I want to take this time to thank each and every one of you for your letters of support sent to the various directors, producers, film makers and websites. I am truly overwhelmed by the amount of support I and Aarin have received from you guys; love it!!
I want to encourage you to continue to write and email, not so much just for my or Aarin's benefits, but because it's YOU who not only insure the success and sustainability of myself and Aarin, but YOU also insure the success of the various websites, and film makers, etc. because YOU as the buying public wield all the power!! If you didn't know that already...
Interestingly enough, they really do listen and read what you have to say and yes, even take it into account.
Many of you ask me, "why don't we see more of you" or "why aren't you being hired all the time"; part of that is because it's hard for minority models/actors in this business to get the work, the pay and the respect deserved..but as I've professed before, I will not use that as an excuse to not strive to do and be the best..ever!! But still guys, need your help and your input...feel me?
Now this has been a long blog, but know many new things are occurring as we speak:
A total revamp of the Yahoo Group:
A brand new escort site for myself:
A revamped and improved escort site for Aarin

My official invitation for you to follow me on Twitter:
A brand new, innovative and exciting website coming soon…
And many more new sites and many more new happenings and specials coming soon!!
Also, please visit Aarin’s port on Model Mayhem…
My port IIAANN, on Model Mayhem
Now, new tradition…I’m gonna always end my blog with what we will call:
The Rock’s Rhetoric
..a few inspirational words, words to think about…some u’ve heard, some u haven’t, some original, even some biblical but always applicable; but always words to apply today, this moment to your life. So here’s the first:
I am defeated and know it, when I meet someone from whom I can learn nothing.
As always, I welcome your words, your comments, your concerns, your questions, your thoughts…don’t b shy…wanna hear from U…really!!
Alwayz kepn it XEXI,
Ian Rock
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