Intelligence, Humor: All Things Adult & Otherwise!!

My "sounding board"; my "pulpit" a place where I can write, express, share..
I'm told it's a "pretty good" read by some very dear and honest friends..
Judge for yourself!!


The NEW: "Daddy Cane"

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Quik Update

As promised more frequent, more interesting(hopefully)...

Wanted to update everyone to another site that I am now featured on and of course, want you to visit, tell me what you think and tell a friend where you been!!

I photographed with UNI Photography based out of Charlotte, NC. The photographer is a very busy and very talented artist who I think came up with some good photos and some great editing...he makes me look so good! His name is Curtis Reynolds and I wanted to feature just his photos for this first installment of this new page.


I of course have specified the site here and place it below with the rest of the links for your easy reference.

If you haven't already b sure to check those links out and sign up!! The Yahoo Group? FREE!! This Blog? FREE!!

Will make it a point to speak with you soon!!

Alwayz kepn it xexi!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sup People...

...people, I'm still here. Had a series of setbacks from family issues, to business just some fake folk...but it's all 2 the good am I'm still standing.
The good part is, in the coming weeks, Imma share all that and more with you.
I gotta lotta things going on to catch u up on, while being silly ole photo shoots, IML 2010 here in Chicago over Memorial Day; Pride "week" basically with parade and then Black Pride followed all from last week of June thru the Hot as Hades, but nice and great for it!!
Oh, and The legendary Taste of Chicago going on all week while that happened...
New photo shoot in North Carolina with a very talented photographer....(pics of course coming)..
Photo shoot coming up for 'coffee' table book...
Participant/one of the models/actors interviewed for the new book: Rising Starz...check it out; give away book coming soon!!

New audition pics coming out of both Aarin Driver and myself, Ian Rock...
Website def in the works...just good stuff...and like I said, some not good stuff, but we'll get to

So Imma see you guys all week, and blog you to death, but as usual I want comments, and questions, and feedback...feel me? That's how a real blog works and I am interested in what you the buying consumer, the public have to say about adult entertainment.

Alwayz kepn it xexi!!
Ian Rock